Twins: Simply Mashittda Korean Twins / Fried Chicken

The Kpop trend hit Singapore hard a decade ago, and they brought the Korean fried chicken trend with them. Nene, Chir Chir, 4 Fingers to name a few, there are no shortages of KFC options. So for your chicken to stand out 2ne1, it has to be truly daebak.

Meet Twins, named after the 2 handsome chefs born 3 minutes apart. Tall, suave, blessed with flawless features and complexion.. Hold, up this isn't a review about guys wtf. But it's true that having 2 handsome Korean oppas whipping up a meal for me makes me jinjja wet below!

Don't miss out on a portrait of the twins awkwardly looking like a couple framed up on the wall in the restaurant. Also, the waitress decided to descend from the sun to serve us.

We visited in time for their lunch sets which are an absolute steal. $10.30 for a 4 pc fried chicken set with rice and salad, compared to the usual price of 6 pc chicken at $20. Not EXO at all! Even a babo can figure out that you save like, er.. $5 on every piece of chicken. It's simple math.

Soy & Garlic Fried Chicken Lunch Set $10.30
The soy and garlic chicken was outstanding. Crispy, fragrant, sweet and savoury from the marinade, juicy and tender meat within, it had all the hallmarks of a great tasting fried chicken. We found it hard to stop munching on piece after piece and seriously contemplated to order it Twice. Someone bring out the SUJU!

Check out that glistening skin just waiting to be eaten like your Gfriend spreading her legs. Yes, that escalated quickly.
7.5 / 10

Seafood Noodles $11.10
The seafood soup was robust with freshness of the sea and wok hei, possibly from the stir fried seafood and vegetables before being added to the stock. We had it spicy and the first sip felt like a Big Bang in our mouths. Dangerously addictive.

Noodles were cooked al dente but disappointingly, they did not fully absorb the intense flavours of the soup. It would not have mattered much in the end, as nothing could have had a chance at eclipsing that fried chicken. 
6.5 / 10

Wanna One? Head down during lunch for the fried chicken set. Not working around the area? Just take MC yoo. Rich unlike my poor ass? Visit during dinner time and order their fried chicken so they won't go out of business. Feeling the monday cnblues? Stuff your face with their fried chicken. Tldr just go and have their fried chicken!

Address: 7 Craig Road, 089667
Nearest MRT: Tanjong Pagar EW15
Contact: 62215205
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturdays - 11:00am to 3:00pm, 5:00pm to 12:00am
Sundays - 5:00pm to 12:00am
